Talk For Windows is a mobile speech recognizer pronunciation coach at With Talk On Windows you can get speech recognition in different languages and use the functionality to make pronunciation exercises on: OrdblineLab?OrdblindeLab is a digital platform for people who want to understand the reading and writing technologies that they need to become active users. The platform talks about reading and writing technologies through videos and we constantly makes sure that its updated versions. Heres what you need to know, but no more than you have time to familiarize yourself with. You want it.Therefore, there is need OrdblindeLab - We take pride in being where our users are. - We select the most important reading and writing technologies and offers pronunciation training. - We base ourselves in situations where reading and writing technologies makes sense. - We complement SPS support, Dyslexia Education, guidance and measures for people with dyslexia. - We make our knowledge available and makes you hopefully just as curious in this area, as we are. - We try to be transparent and accessible.